My friend, Liz, and I had been to see an exhibition at Tate Modern - Georgia O'Keefe - which we had really enjoyed. I particularly liked some of her paintings of skies. I think it was late November.
We decided to walk for a while to stretch our legs before getting the train home. It was late afternoon and quite busy. I was taking the odd photograph on my phone (I do this all the time - you never know!) and there was a bright peachy/orange sky in the distance above the buildings. This is what started the process in my mind.
I had also been thinking about the red London buses and that they were so representational of this country.
The following morning I went swimming, which I do twice a week. This is almost always when the bits of ideas which have been floating around in my head, come together and I start to resolve things. (not just quilt issues). I am a very average swimmer and just keep going in the lane for medium swimmers. Although I am doing something, my head seems to clear and solutions often come! Maybe it is just water as I sometimes have useful ideas in the shower!
Anyway, I suddenly knew that I needed to make a quilt based in London at commuter time. This is not any particular street, just vaguely based on some of my photos. I also wanted to get a tree in to get some balance. When I started to draw a bus, it seemed obvious to include three. The colour of the sky was important too.
The exhibition venues and dates are on my About Page.